events + ytt

This workshop is for those looking to manage stress while creating and retaining resilience to it.

You are invited to join Elisa, Restorative Ayurvedic Wellness Coach & Founder of Restoration Bodywork for An afternoon of Slow & Restorative Yoga, Ayurvedic discussion on building Ojas (think “you’re ultimate energy reserve And strong immunity”), seasonal meditation to align with Autumn energetics, (optional) Abhyanga for your tired tootsies (Warm oil massage for your feet).

Bring your mat, journal, mug for herbal Ayurvedic tea & any creature comforts to support an extended Savasana!


Rooted In Resilience: an ayurvedic workshop with Elisa Roush
november 9th

Join local yoga teacher Kate Gilbert and Pretzel Kids founder Robyn Parets for a weekend kids yoga teacher training. We will spend all day Saturday in the studio, learning the Pretzel Kids teaching method and curriculum, followed by a 2-hour tutorial of the business of teaching kids yoga on Sunday. 

The Pretzel Kids Method will prepare you to plan, structure, sequence and lead creative yoga classes for preschoolers to teens. 200-hour YTT not required!

Join the only children’s yoga company offering you branded licensing, marketing, teaching and branding support after your training ends!
With this weekend training, you get: An in-person training with the founder of Pretzel Kids; plus the FULL Pretzel Kids Method online training course; AND a month free of the Pretzel Kids Teacher Association membership! 

Pretzel Kids® Teacher Training at village yoga. december 7-8th.


yoga teacher training INTEREST

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